Friday, November 4, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen

So this is it. The first post.

So here I am breaking ground on a new project that I hope may be quite successful. My aim here is to create a political opinion blog that will be a forum in which I can express my political views and maybe even garner some feedback from readers.

But first thing's first, who am I?

Well I'm a bit reluctant to reveal my real name, but you can call me 1.More.Statistic for now. I am a white, middle-class, college student, age 22, and majoring in psychology. I was raised in Florida, and now live in Chicago with my wife (Yeah that's right I said wife). I read comic books, play video games and enjoy long walks on the beach.

Anyway, the real point of this intro is to tell you, the reader, that I am not a journalist. I do not gather information. all of my writing, while honest, is all subjective. Opinion. That's all I am doing and all I am to be. I am humbly offering up my take on news and events that I will likely find out about by one of three sources:, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, or The Colbert Report. I'm not trying to be a news junkie, I am just trying to be myself, and express myself.

I hope you will all enjoy the journey.


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